The best metric for learning is…

 A love for it.

 On a scale of 1 to 5 hearts, on average, our learners gave…



4.91/5 hearts for how much they love to come to CHOICE each day!

At the end of last year, our heroes reflected on their educational journey:

“I learned confidence this year.”

“I didn’t like reading, now I do.”

“I can share my own opinion.”

“I like to fail.”

“I have more patience.”

“I can be assertive.”

“I like math.”

“I don’t care what others think.”

“I can do hard things.”

“I’m not afraid to be embarrassed.”

“I’m not afraid to do scary things.”

“I have courage.”

“I like to struggle now.”

An average of 14 tears (totally a guess!) are shed each school day (because things are hard and children here solve their own problems : )