Core Values

Core Values

CHOICE Core Values At the heart of any successful organization lies a set of core values. CHOICE is no different. When we set out to begin this venture, we knew we needed to have a clear set of guiding principles to keep us focused on our mission and our WHY. These...

Harnessing the Heroic in Self-Directed Learning

by Lauren McQuinn, M.Ed. Village School, An Acton Academy in Annandale, VA, USA “A normal person compares themselves to others. A hero compares themselves to who they were yesterday.” -Owen, age 9 We call our learners heroes at The Village School. In fact, at every...
A Hero’s Journey

A Hero’s Journey

Deep down inside we are all heroes. Heroes of our own destiny. While that may sound idealized, it is absolutely true! We are designed with the desire to do something great, to contribute to our world and communities in meaningful ways, and, most importantly, to feel...