Oct 26, 2020
Week 8 10/20-10/26 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: We had a productive and jam-packed week back in the Spark Studio! The Heroes jumped right in on Tuesday and got to work. I was amazed at how many of them, of their own accord, headed to new materials and worked...
Oct 12, 2020
From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: We made it through our first session! Thanks to all who attended our Exhibition. It was genuinely a beautiful experience for me to watch the Heroes give studio tours to their families. I reflected on that first morning of school...
Oct 2, 2020
Week 6 9/29-10/5 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: We had lots of opportunities for life lessons this week. Our big focus was on boundaries – when someone asks you to stop doing something, you have to stop. We want our Heroes to know that their words are...