Nov 24, 2020
Week 12: 11/17-11/19 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: We had a whirlwind final week of our session! One of my hopes with our mastery system was that we’d be able to use it as a framework to start learning about the process of setting and achieving goals. This...
Nov 14, 2020
Week 11: 11/10-11/16 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: This week we had some of the most productive work cycles thus far this school year! Although they were still full of energy and excitement, those big emotions were channeled into productive, challenging work....
Nov 9, 2020
Week 10: 11/3-11/9 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: Our highlight this week was holding our first ever Spark Election! Our poll workers were prepped, eager, and performed their duties honorably. We had two ballot counters, a poll watcher, a sticker hander-outer,...
Nov 2, 2020
Week 9 10/27-11/2 Between a visit from a city council member, arrests, Halloween parties, and a new game, this week was filled with events to learn from and enjoy! From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: To prepare for our studio for our election next Tuesday, we...