Oct 30, 2021
10/25-10/31 What does learning look like? There is no simple answer to that question. Learning takes such a variety of forms. It looks different from studio to studio, from hero to hero, from day to day, and even from moment to moment. What did it look like this week...
Oct 23, 2021
10/18-10/24 Just as going deeper into the ocean provides a fantastic adventure for deep sea divers, CHOICE heroes enjoyed another marvelous week of adventures going deeper into social, emotional and intellectual learning. In the Spark Studio…this week we enjoyed...
Oct 18, 2021
10/11-10/17 The start of a new session means the start of a new quest. As we swam into our new “Marine Science quest,” Tuesday morning, it was apparent we were all going to have blast exploring the underwater world as well as our session question...
Oct 1, 2021
9/27-9/30 At CHOICE we look at the year, sessions, weeks and even activities in learning arcs. We begin the year/session/week/activity with a launch, then enjoy the learning and experiences, and then end each year/session/week/activity with a landing. A landing is a...