
At CHOICE heroes hold each other accountable. That looks different in each studio, and over time. Sometimes it looks like a well oiled machine and sometimes it looks like absolute chaos.

In the Spark Studio… accountability takes many different forms.

  • It looks like reminding each other of the promises made in our peace contract.
  • It looks like reminding one another of behavior expectations at tribe time.
  • It looks like sharing an opinion in our tribe time discussion AND sharing why that is your opinion.
  • It looks like going to the peace table to work out a conflict together.
  • It looks like encouraging one another to complete a challenging work or working with a fellow hero on a challenging work.
  • It looks like encouraging one another to accomplish core skills.
  • It looks like everyone doing their part to accomplish studio maintenance jobs.

Spark heroes are learning young to be accountable for their own goals and responsibilities and how to encourage fellow travelers along the way.

While our field trip doesn’t really fit into the theme of the blog, it was such a meaningful and fun experience I couldn’t leave out the pictures. Our heroes had a beautiful opportunity to ask Orlando any questions about his disability, what it was like in a wheelchair, how he did certain tasks and about his Hero’s Journey. Orlando was candid, open and inspiring. And then we had a lot of fun playing!!!

In the Fire Studio… we discussed which is harder: holding ourselves accountable or holding one another accountable? The votes were split. Regarding holding one another accountable, heroes finished the discussion started last week by altering and tightening their systems of accountability. Now the hard work begins of holding one another to it. It can be hard to ask for a Moolah when a fellow traveler breaks their contract of promises; oft times it is easier to just look the other way. Many heroes are deciding however, that doing something hard, that helps one another, and builds the tribe, is worth it!

Heroes holding one another accountable to their Freedom Levels by helping them find places to sit in a desk where they won’t be distracted.

Watching many of the heroes hold themselves accountable to all their many responsibilities is inspiring. Many heroes are balancing their badges, quest projects, personal interests/creative pursuits, committees, council, squad leadership, helping their running partners and making time to play! They are truly amazing and learning fantastic life skills.

Lunch time meeting

In quest heroes are working hard knowing that next week during exhibition they will be held accountable in a new way!

At CHOICE heroes rely on their own forces and on others. They are striving for personal accountability; to be able to hold themselves accountable to their own goals and promises. And when heroes fail and need some help, they are there to guide and help one another. Accountability – an opportunity at CHOICE to practice self management and compassion every day!