Session 4, Week 2

At CHOICE, we mix things up! Not only are we mixing up ingredients for experiments this session, but we also mix up ages of heroes working together and the way heroes work together. Just like scientific experiments, sometimes the mixing works as we expect, and sometimes it doesn’t and we try again.

In the Spark Studio this week each Spark hero was paired up with a Fire Studio buddy. As we discovered a few interesting facts about each other, we learned about the many things we have in common (making people laugh, being shy, or being an older sibling) and the heroes became more relatable to one another. Now, the buddies love finding each other throughout the school day, giving high fives, and checking in with one another. We hope this mixing becomes a long standing tradition. The Sparks look up to the older heroes so much and love to be included in their adventures. 

The mixing and collaboration of heroes within the Spark Studio created beautiful moments this week as well.

After learning how to tie his shoes, this hero discovered his friend wanted to learn as well. The first hero made sure to bring his boots with the really long shoelaces. These two practiced for days and encouraged one another. Even when frustrated, neither gave up.
Heroes exploring the scientific method together.
Exploring the scientific method together

Heroes also took some time to mix science and literature together as they explored some of the great scientific discoveries through books. Heroes were fascinated with their discoveries and enjoyed sharing with those around them.

As we mix our materials together during CHOICE work cycle we try to think outside the box and look at things in a new way:

We experiment and troubleshoot:

And we love what we are creating!

In the Fire Studio collaborative Core Skills time is a great time for mixing. Heroes from all different ages play games or do works together giving each other opportunities to rely on others and grow into leadership roles.

During quest this week we traveled back in time to learn about how hunter-gatherers harvested energy from the earth and sun to live. Monday’s challenge was a simulation, living like a hunter-gather, heroes began with “eating and digesting plants” so they would have the energy to hunt. Then moving towards the benefit of mixing plants and meat to give our bodies what it needs. 

Tuesday was a day to see if we could keep our tribe alive through all 4 seasons by storing food in a new simulation game.  Sometimes it’s a challenge to figure out instructions, and play cooperatively, even with people that you choose to work with.

Wednesday we mixed fire and fuel to see how it makes heat… we will continue this experiment on Tuesday! We have been mixing many different theories on how humans used energy in the early days of the world. Heroes have been forming their own ideas, and defending their own theories as new ideas are being introduced.

In the Middle School quest, heroes mixed spices, extracts and starches this week as they considered the chemistry happening in our bodies as we sense the food we eat. They also mixed substances at different temperatures and thought about the movement happening on a molecular level.

As the Middle School heroes continue the habit of coming together and editing each other’s papers in their Writing Squads, the results are awesome. The first time Writing Squads met, heroes were mostly quiet and didn’t have much to say. This week most squads were full of suggestions and discussions. Teaching one another how to use a thesaurus, trying out different words together. Suggesting phrases to take out. Commenting where something didn’t make sense. It was a wonderful mix of personalities and knowledge that truly created better writing. We are excited for all Writing Squads to develop into this.

MS heroes are enjoying more game time each Monday morning. Turns out even math games are fun when mixed with people you enjoy playing with!

The Middle School heroes had several interstudio mixings this week:

At lunchtime as they alternately kidnapped and rescued Jimmy Nugget, the MS dinosaur mascot/friend.

On Wednesday for the play auditions. energy and emotions were high as heroes really wanted certain parts. On Thursday after the results were announced, many heroes were ecstatic, while many were extremely disappointed. What a great opportunity for learning!

And on Thursday afternoon when the Fire Studio and Middle School mixed together to meet with a famous comedian. As the comedian introduced ideas of creativity and confidence in performing, he not only had everyone near tears in laughter, he also created incredible energy as many heroes decided to come together to perform at our musical comedy show coming in March.

One of the “mixings” we are most grateful for is the mixing with families. We continue to affirm the heroes as the most accountable for their learning. Followed closely by their greatest mentors, their family. The school comes in a distant third. Mixing with parents and heroes for our Guide Journey Meetings this week was a gift. Being able to talk about the heroes’ journeys, discuss their stumbling blocks and celebrate their progress all together was a real gift for us and resulted in some great plans for the second half of the school year. We are grateful for the mixing that heroes and parents are willing to do with us as we all strive to support these heroes on their magnificent journeys. Looking at just one week it is easy to see that whether at school or at home, mixing with allies, helpers and mentors is what makes this journey excellent for all of us!