Session 2, Week 5
“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.” -Brene Brown.
Our heroes know this as well as anyone. They know they are in it together and lean on each other every day in many different ways.
Spark Studio
*Lean on me, when you need encouragement*
The Fire Studio heroes have been working so hard on their Mentor Badge. Sparks are loving this and are enjoying the relationship being built between the two studios. Fire Studio heroes are constantly encouraging the Sparks to push themselves a little harder. Look at all these math problems this hero did! What encouragement!
*Lean on me, when you need a friend*
A guide observed a hero seemingly unsure of how to insert themselves into a group playing. The guide mentioned to the group, “_______ seems to be looking for someone to play with.” The group was filled with delight as they invited the hero into their already established game and created a new plan with exciting new details that included everyone.

*Lean on me, when you need a mentor*
Shout out to our parents! Our parents counsel with their heroes concerning the challenging goals they set each day. It is a beautiful thing watching these heroes grow so much over time. It is an equally beautiful thing hearing from the parents about how much they have grown as well.
*Lean on me, when you need an idea*
This week one of the quest challenges had special materials available for those who decided to do the challenge with their squad. Some squads decided to get together right away. Others worked on individual projects before they came together. Eventually all squads chose to cooperate and leaned on the ideas from everyone in their squad.

*Lean on me, when you are upset*
Many of the squads decided to use all the marshmallows to complete the challenge, and then enjoyed devouring the marshmallows afterwards. There were two very cooperative heroes that patiently waited until “it was done” and then jumped in and ate their marshmallows. Unfortunately the heroes didn’t realize that a fellow squad member wanted to get a picture before their creation was destroyed; she was really upset. The guide assumed there would be a big dilemma on how to solve the problem, but as soon as the marshmallow eating heroes heard what their upset squad member had to say, they immediately offered to bring her big marshmallows, and to give her pokemon cards. She felt heard and immediately hugged them.

*Lean on me, when you are attempting something new*
Many heroes have enjoyed climbing a pole during recess. Two first timers were surprised by the advice they got, “No socks!?” But they trusted and followed the advice. They were cheered on as they worked hard at a new skill, and they beamed with joy as they savored the victory.

Fire Studio
*Lean on me, when you need direction*
Nearly two sessions into the school year, heroes are asking questions to the guides much less often. Heroes who were initially uncomfortable admitting a need to a fellow traveler are more quick to do so now. When someone does go to the guide for help, they are usually overheard by another hero who is quick to put an arm around them and give them the guidance they need. These moments of leaning on one another for direction builds the foundation of the Fire Studio culture.

*Lean on me, when you need encouragement*
Another way heroes lean on one another is for encouragement. Often after a silent works cycle, heroes gather together to share a way they overcame Mr. Resistance, Mrs. Distraction, or Mr. and Mrs. Victim that morning. The cheers they offer each other in the celebration, as well as the reminders they offer each other at the moment of conflict with one of those three “monsters,” all build an incredible community of encouragement!

*Lean on me, when you need mentoring, allies and helpers*
FS heroes lean on leaders within the studio to guide them in Meditation, Council meetings, and PE. They lean on one another for bandages or ice packs after a fall. And as simple friends and allies, heroes are always making each other laugh, cheering each other up, teaching each other a new skill or fact, and opening each other’s world views. The Fire Studio is a beautiful place to lean on or hold up one another–and it’s a place where every hero has plenty of opportunities to do both.

*Lean on me, when you were gone*
Heroes spent some time on Journey Tracker catching up on their Quest Badge this week. A few heroes had missed school for challenges and upon returning, we watched as their fellow travelers guided them on how to write their Haiku, or showed where the supplies were to make their maps.

*Lean on me, when you make a mess*
While working with natural Mica powder, a Hero dropped melted soap on the blue rug. 4-5 heroes immediately ran over to help clean it up for him so he could finish the challenge. They worked diligently for 30 minutes at least, laughing and enjoying each other. At the end they commented on how glad they were that their fellow traveler could finish his creation.

*Lean on me, when you want to share what you create**
After a discussion about other people’s perspective and working as a team, heroes had a chance to practice photography in their Squads. They worked so well with each other, and each squad created truly unique photos. Two heroes commented how much they appreciated being able to be creative in their own way. The entire studio was respectful as each squad shared their photos.

*Lean on me, when you are afraid*
The day was gorgeous, the air smelled delicious, the hike was a blast and the rope swing was just enough outside of everyone’s comfort zone to provide an awesome opportunity to conquer fear. The heroes faces said it all: a range from a little nervous, big breathes, or really nervous as they grasped onto the rope – to elation as they jumped, and felt the exhilaration of swinging high and doing something hard! For those who were most nervous, their fellow travelers recognized it and started cheering and clapping! It was the beautiful sound I heard all day. Every hero ended up swinging!

DELTA Studio
*Lean on me, when you are tired*
The DELTA Studio running club finished off their fall season with a timed mile around Woods Cross. Seeing their improvement from the beginning of the year to this point was impressive. Stacey and Brian were incredible mentors (there was even Gatorade, goodie bags and a raffle at the mile!) But perhaps our favorite moment of all was watching many of the heroes gather together and run the final runner into the finish line!

*Lean on me, when its your birthday*
The DELTA Studio gathered at the school Friday night to work on their Electricity cities. When a hero learned it was two fellow traveler’s birthdays, she decided two make not one, not two, but three cakes from scratch to celebrate them. The heroes got together and pulled off a beautiful birthday surprise during a work night!!

*Lean on me, when you are stuck*
Heroes helping one another out when they are stuck is so common place I never even take pictures of it. Heroes willingly sacrifice what they are working on to help a stuck fellow traveler every day. A highlight moment for me was walking into the studio and seeing five heroes standing behind an extremely frustrated fellow traveler working together to try to help her figure out her exasperating math problem. She appreciated their help long after the math problem was solved.
*Lean on me, when you need mentoring*
The DELTA studio mentoring the Fire Studio heroes is becoming routine and yet never gets old to observe!

*Lean on me, when it’s crunch time*
The faces in these pictures depict this quest well:

Many times during our Friday night work session I heard variations of “This quest is so hard, but it feels so amazing when it finally lights up!” “You have to work hard in this quest, or nothing will ever work.” Sitting next door and hearing the yells of frustration and then screams of joy was so fun!

The DELTA Studio is full of competitive heroes. All of whom are still working to win at the Exhibition. However, the closer it came to the end, the more compassionate and giving the heroes became. Friday night those who understood how to do something helped every other squad. It was amazing to watch how they still cared about their own city doing well, but didn’t see helping others as an impediment to that. Heroes shared their knowledge, a helping hand, their time, their resources and even their piezos!

Sometimes heroes argue, sometimes they are selfish, and sometimes they are thoughtless, but our heroes know they are in it together. They know they are bounded together through contracts and a desire to be here. They know that guides are their mentors, but their fellow travelers are their allies and helpers. They are learning that other’s success can also be their own success. They are learning how to support and be supported. How to lean on others, and how to let others lean on them.
I started with a quote, but I have to end with a song. Your choice, which sums it up better: High School musical or Bill Withers?