Shout It From The Roof Tops!

Shout It From The Roof Tops!

Session 3, Week 3 There is a familiar conversation that goes something like this… “How was school today?” “Good!” “What did you do?” “I don’t remember” Every time I hear that conversation between parents and...
The Unmeasurables

The Unmeasurables

Session 3, Week 2 You are 4 feet 2 inches tall. You weigh 73 pounds. I finished blue drawers! I made it to Island 8 in Nessy! I got 93% on my Khan Course Challenge! I did 5 pull ups! I scored in the 90th percentile. I finished my 4th book! These are all measurable...
Who is your Frodo?

Who is your Frodo?

Session 3, Week 1 Frodo is the main character In the epic tale of Lord of the Rings, However, many LOTR fans will tell you that Sam is actually their favorite. Sam is Frodo’s main ally and helper throughout Frodo’s Hero’s Journey. We are typically...