Session 3, Week 3

There is a familiar conversation that goes something like this… “How was school today?” “Good!” “What did you do?” “I don’t remember” Every time I hear that conversation between parents and heroes I cringe. Your heroes do so many incredible things every day – I want to shout it from the roof tops for parents to know! This week was no exception. As heroes wrapped up their session, finished final preparations for their Golden Years Celebration, and pulled off an event for ~90 guests with VERY little adult involvement, there were continual and countless moments I wanted to celebrate!

Committees held their last planning meetings on Tuesday. It was magical to watch. Ideas moved from chaos to creation! Not only were the heroes practicing creativity, decision making and communication, but they were doing it in groups of very mixed ages.

Final visits to a care center showed more compassion and bravery of your young people.

And the DELTAs willingness to take a break from their very focused efforts of finishing their session goals in order to help younger heroes finish their books and badges was inspiring.

Imagine the hustle, energy, cooperation (and yes – stress) of a wedding day. That is the hustle, energy, cooperation (and yes – stress) of an Exhibition day. And when the whole school comes together for one exhibition, that experience is marvelous to behold. The leadership the DELTAs have developed over the years shines through with brilliance. Here is a photo tour of the final preparations on Wednesday and the big event.

Each committee set up their room.

Some committees were in charge of creating organization and flow throughout the event. They set up arrows, maps and welcoming stations.

After everything was set up, The DELTA heroes planned and executed a few activities to help the younger heroes get out energy, and be prepared for the big event.

Even reluctant heroes appeared super excited when it was time for the Golden Year’s Celebration to begin.

DS heroes greeted guests at the door, found out which hero invited them and then ran and got that hero (who was watching “The Grinch” in the Spark Studio). It was a brilliant system developed by the heroes to bring some order to the chaos of everyone arriving. It was really sweet to watch the meetings between heroes and their guests.

Heroes started right on time with a very short welcoming speech. The speech explained that their were 8 “Exhibits” for heroes and the guests to visit and explore.

There were two different Leisure Games and Activities exhibits. These exhibits included games such as charades, jacks, dominoes, card games, memory, and a photo booth all complete with instructions.

Note: This was a home made memory game with games that were popular throughout the 1940s-1970s!

There were two Pop Culture Exhibits where heroes and guests were invited to take quizzes about pop culture through the decades, watch a music video of songs through the decades and vote on their favorite songs.

The two slang exhibits quizzed us on slang terms through the decades… they were tough and fun!

The final two exhibits were World Events exhibits where guests (and heroes) were invited to reminisce about events throughout their life (some world events, some just in their own lives) as well as play a few home made games (such as matching an event with the decade in which it occurred).

Heroes and guests ended in the reception area where heroes showed their guests the slide they made for them, presented their badges and stories to them and enjoyed refreshments.

Some heroes were simply excited to show their guest around the school and do “works” with them:

This level of creativity, planning, communication and execution, could have occupied months, but your heroes did it all in two weeks – while simultaneously doing all their wonderful daily works.

Oh! And they did a fantastic job cleaning up the next day!

Every day this session your heroes learned and practiced selflessness, giving, working with others, communicating through challenges, and creativity, along with practicing reading, writing, math, focus, decision making and goal setting. Truly I want to shout from the roof tops the wonderful things your heroes do EVERY day!