Session 5, Week 3

On Wednesday, I walked into the Quest area to see two heroes carrying lady liberty under their arms

another hero spreading garbage all over the floor purposefully

and another hero share with me in excitement “We just got the best dumpster scene ever with Xander!” I couldn’t help but laugh. Without context (and sometimes with context) the things we hear and see are so fun (and sometimes meaningful) they just have to be shared. Here are some things “you didn’t know you would hear at school” from just this week:

Other moments from the DELTA Studio:

“We are skis, a skier and ski poles”

Tribe building game

“We are a lawn mower… duh!”

Same tribe building game

Hearing belting out singing at the top of lungs from the next room

Working on their chair during Collaborative Core Skills and having a great time doing it!

“It’s kind of clean”

Wanting to make root beer in the beaker after experimenting with dry ice during quest
Dry ice and sublimation is cool no matter how old you are!

“I did the wrong job!”… “It’s ok, I’ll help you with your second one”

“We are liquid molecules”

Reviewing states of matter

“Don’t go over the weight limit”

Boys are making great progress on their go-kart!

Should I leave the head off?

Making were-jaguars from Ancient America in Civ

Nothing… no bell, no teacher calling, as heroes gather each other and move into Quest

“Let’s go to McDonald’s!”

Jolliness discussion with our heroes who are aging out next year about how they want to finish their time at CHOICE. Emotional and inspiring.

In the Spark Studio

“Maybe during peacetime we can learn about different animals so when we see an exciting animal we will just be like, ‘Yeah, I know about those.’”

“Hands up stands up” when you walk into the studio (during CHOICE work cycle)

Hearing how fun the grocery store is!!

Learners coming to a guide to ask for a Town Hall (discussion and solutions) about the cleanliness of the studio bathrooms. Learners then all agreeing, on their own, that they can do a better job tidying up the bathroom after they finish using it. 

“I got my nails done” said the guide.

Hearing and seeing a learner start to get upset with a peer, then stop and say, “Are you wanting to join our game?” and proceed to invite the peer to participate in the game. The level of empathy and communication in the Spark Studio is amazing! 

Having learners ask, “Can you help me find something challenging to do?” because they aren’t afraid to do something hard. 

Seeing the 5-8 year olds clean an entire studio every day!

“I can be a mentor to you for I messages.”

A hero was upset over a lost item, another hero shared a story when they also lost an item to empathize.

Two heroes created an item to “sell” using upcycled bottle caps and hot glue. Many heroes lined up to get one!

In the Fire Studio (again, pictures do not necessarily relate to the sayings)

“Wait! Can we just keep reading?!”

When asked what feelings would come up if heroes arrived at school to find there were no adults for the day, some heroes expressed confidence that they would be able to have a productive, fun, and safe work day because they have all the tools they need.

Working on “Pie day” challenges Explore tables

“I want to start my studio maintenance (cleaning) job early…”


For closing on Monday heroes had a respectful and insightful Socratic discussion about their opinions on the daylight-savings bill. The studio was dividing exactly 50/50 on the question but every comment for or against the bill was unique and thoughtful.

Tribe challenge – learn to make dragon claws

17 heroes enthusiastically signed up to participate in the Freedom’s Light Constitution Bee, even though last year’s team described the extra work it would take and the loss they experienced previously. 

Collaboration time

“Should making popcorn be banned?” debate in Town Hall as young people learn to use the microwave.

Finishing blueprints

Two feuding heroes approached the guide, not for help solving their disagreement, but to let her know they wanted to hold a resolution room. 

Mood boards created for their schools

A hero noticing another hero not participating in PE and leaving the activity to ask them “Hey, why aren’t you participating? Are you ok? I am not leaving until you tell me the truth” – the Response- “ I’m ok, I just don’t like Capture the Flag very much” “well, then I am going to sit here with you because I don’t like you sitting here all by yourself”

Collaboration time

Two Studios of Heroes deciding that the level of after lunch cleanliness is not acceptable or fair to the people who have quest in the afternoon- the result- they went in search of those who hadn’t cleaned up very well and ask them to come and clean up after themselves

Lunchtime fun

“The fruit snacks keep hitting me in the face and not going in my mouth.” Rube Goldberg machines are not as easy as they look

“ Do you think the goggles will keep all the water out of my eyes?”-RG Machines

One group’s big finish for their RG Machine- “It’s corn”

“Which documentary did you watch about the Colosseum?” (at home by their own choice) followed by an entire rapid fire discussion about the best documentaries they have watched and which ones they recommend

Battle for Civ

What a gift to spend our time smiling and laughing with your children. The things that come out of their mouths surprise and delight us. Our days are filled with unpredictability and fun. We love the things we hear at school that we never expected to!