Session 4, Week 6

Valentine’s Day can be called the Day of Love! Traditional expressions of love include exchanging flowers, gifts and asking someone to “be your valentine.” While we don’t have too much of that happening at CHOICE, we do have overwhelming expressions of love. What did those expressions of love look like at CHOICE this week?

As the Spark Studio Valentine’s party was about to start on Wednesday, one hero became extremely distressed their Valentine box was not nearly ready yet. We saw several heroes rush over and start gluing the sides on and shout to the distraught hero to come help. They huddled around and glued their hearts out together. As the party started, the Valentine box was complete, but more importantly a hero felt loved and supported by friends.

On Thursday we had a special “adopt-a-pet” event to celebrate the challenges heroes had completed. One hero was sad they didn’t have enough tickets for a pet and 2 friends rushed to their side to offer up their extra tickets. They now had just the right amount! They not only shared tickets, but more importantly they shared their love.

There were many team challenges in the Spark Studio this week. It was lovely to watch the heroes work together and give feedback to each other. One day a hero was feeling like no one liked working with them. The hero and a guide walked around to the different groups and several groups eagerly invited this hero to join them. Including others – a powerful way to show love!

Other expressions of love we saw:

Reading stories out loud to one another and using funny voices for the characters.

Dance parties because you aren’t afraid to be silly with your friends.

Helping a friend with their idea (like measuring how long the ribbon is or cutting an apple).

Guiding a friend in completing a task and not doing it for them during Montessori work cycle.

Parents attending exhibition and patiently listening to everything their child wants to share with them.

Fire Studio heroes show love in surprising and entertaining ways. Sometimes it’s through good-natured teasing or wrestling. Other heroes show love with over the top cheering at badge celebrations and spelling bees, helping each other finish up session goals, or joining a request for collaborative games.

Some spent hours planning the Exhibition and a Valentine’s Day party. (It is so much work to plan these events and heroes sacrifice their lunch time to do it!)

Heroes happily participated in the Valentine’s activities and exchanged cards and treats. But the love didn’t stop there! Mounds of trash and other leftover party gear made Studio Maintenance extra difficult for some heroes, but everyone pitched in to help out where they could, even some Delta heroes!

The last week of the session is also a special time to see love in the studio as heroes complete 360 reviews for their squad members. The two “stars” (warm feedback) they offer each other are often so insightful and thoughtful. And even the “wish” (cool feedback) they offer is usually so kindly delivered. Helping others progress is a true expression of love.

Finally, lots of love abounds as parents, siblings, and other supporters come celebrate with heroes at exhibition—thank you for giving heroes an audience for all they accomplished this session! Thank you for playing Kahoot with them. Thank you for doing trays with them. Thank you having difficult conversations where you hold them accountable. Thank you for seeing their progress and celebrating their hard work.

We didn’t look any further than the top 5, but 4 out of the top 5 finishers of the Kahoot were learners. They were so excited to beat their parents 🙂 Thank you for playing!

The DELTA Studio could be an age where it is awkward to express love, but these heroes are so good at it!

As we explored physical challenges this week, heroes showed one another a tremendous amount of love as they supported one another with the things they couldn’t do physically on Monday.

They also cheered and supported one another during Misogi.

I don’t know that the heroes recognize it, but whenever we switch Running Partners at the end of each Session there is an outpouring of love. Heroes are so willing to help and support another hero long term in their struggles. Heroes make an effort to verbally say “great or awesome” when their Running Partners are announced. Heroes help one another during the crazy moving desk process.

DELTA heroes show love as they invite others to play games. They are making more and more of an effort to include everyone – this isn’t always the natural instinct at this age.

DELTA heroes work together every day – whether it be cleaning, getting ready for Exhibition, Civ challenges or Quest, heroes work together on difficult challenges. They daily show love as they are patient, listen to one another, give feedback to one another and pitch in until challenges are completed.

DELTA heroes express love as they join into silly tribe building challenges and games with a positive attitude. This creates an environment where heroes feel comfortable playing, being silly, working together and expressing emotions.

I am impressed, inspired and warmed as I see so many small expressions of love from your children every day. I have such hope for the future of the world – and for the happiness in their lives. As I look to you parents, it is clear to see the example of love your children have been given. Thank you supporting your children. Thank you for supporting one another. I am so grateful when I see a parent reach out on slack for support and so many rush to help. Thank you for loving each other. Thank you for loving your children. Thank you for loving me. What a gift we can share so much love, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day of the year!