Many founders of Acton Academies talk about running their school from afar. I have never wanted (or needed) to do so. I enjoy each day at CHOICE and love being in the thick of it. However, due to COVID quarantine our whole family has been at home this week. As I stepped out, it was an amazing moment to realize how much the Fire Studio heroes do on their own and what incredible community we all created since the beginning of the year. Look at all the wonderful things that happened this week that I only got to watch from a distance…
In the Spark Studio… We’ve been working on our tide pool creations for exhibition. We researched, made plans, and created with loose parts materials. Heroes were challenged to create a tide pool creature using the few resources available to them. For some, they enjoyed the challenge. For others, it was a wonderful opportunity to grow.
Our loose parts play is seeing new ideas. Heroes are creating new structures and exploring new ideas. From see-saws to forts, from pools to cat hotels, from salons to alien battlefields, their imaginations are beautiful to behold.
Our growth mindset jar is growing as heroes push through their resistance and stretch their minds. Today a few heroes shared,
“I was really hungry for a snack, but I decided to finish my language work first before I stopped for a snack.”
“I pushed myself today in math when I wanted to stop, but I didn’t and I’m glad I kept going.”
“I thought the work I was doing was really hard, but once I started it was actually easy.”
Thursday we celebrated Veteran’s Day. Many of our heroes have close family members that served or are serving in the military. We wrote letters to military members currently in the hospital. Heroes also took apart the words in the Pledge of Alliegance, focusing on each word and not rushing through a rote memorization. It was really powerful to feel the strong energy they each have for our nation’s flag.
In the Fire Studio… The second monster, Mrs. Distraction and one of her side kicks, Squirrel (external triggers), were introduced. Heroes had high personal awareness of the squirrels they encounter during our discussion. As they headed off to Core Skills, many chose to utilize headphones and tri-folds to minimize distractions, while others seemed to have just decided that they really enjoy chasing squirrels. It is a journey!
With so many missing heroes this week, everyone had a chance to take on additional responsibility and jump (or be thrown) into leadership roles. No one has complained, though they definitely miss the heroes who are gone! 20 heroes still make the same-sized messes as 30, but the shortage of labor is definitely noticed when cleaning up the studio. 🙂
During Civ, the heroes took a closer look at Viking invasions and the first English kings such as Alfred the Great and William the Conqueror. They studied the world of feudalism. The heroes discussed whether they would rather be a noble who depended on the peasants for their food and most of their daily needs, or a peasant who had the skills to produce food and take care of their daily needs but depended on the nobles for security and order. Afterwards, they enjoyed an epic castle battle. Using their homemade weapons to launch marshmallows, they were out if they got hit with a marshmallow. The last castle group with a team member standing was crowned the victor. The battles continued into lunch for many heroes.
Our marine science quest continued this week with engaging discussions about garbage in the ocean. We discussed personal vs. collective responsibility for shared resources. The heroes were inspired by the acts of others and decided entirely of their own volition to join in the effort. Heroes also enjoyed a group challenge looking at ocean food chains. Personal challenges were also completed at a rapid pace as an upcoming exhibition always catalyzes some action on things the heroes know they will be accountable for!
Thursday we took time to think about sacrifices veterans make and freedoms we enjoy. Heroes were eager and willing to show their appreciation by making cards and writing letters to veterans who might be lonely over the holidays.
Watching from a distance I see so clearly what unique, capable and inspiring human beings I get to interact with every day, and I see the meaningful learning (and fun!) that happens daily.
The truth of the matter is that I will be coming back not because CHOICE needs me, but because I love being a part of CHOICE!