Nov 14, 2020
Week 11: 11/10-11/16 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: This week we had some of the most productive work cycles thus far this school year! Although they were still full of energy and excitement, those big emotions were channeled into productive, challenging work....
Nov 2, 2020
Week 9 10/27-11/2 Between a visit from a city council member, arrests, Halloween parties, and a new game, this week was filled with events to learn from and enjoy! From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: To prepare for our studio for our election next Tuesday, we...
Oct 26, 2020
Week 8 10/20-10/26 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: We had a productive and jam-packed week back in the Spark Studio! The Heroes jumped right in on Tuesday and got to work. I was amazed at how many of them, of their own accord, headed to new materials and worked...
Oct 12, 2020
From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: We made it through our first session! Thanks to all who attended our Exhibition. It was genuinely a beautiful experience for me to watch the Heroes give studio tours to their families. I reflected on that first morning of school...
Oct 2, 2020
Week 6 9/29-10/5 From the Spark Studio From Miss Anna: We had lots of opportunities for life lessons this week. Our big focus was on boundaries – when someone asks you to stop doing something, you have to stop. We want our Heroes to know that their words are...