We’re not boasting…

We’re not boasting…

Session 1, Week 5 We may have been taught that we shouldn’t boast. But if boasting is defined as “showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions or abilities” (Oxford languages) then sharing our heroes...
Allies, helpers and mentors

Allies, helpers and mentors

Session 1, Week 4 After a hero accepts the Call to Adventure, Crosses the Threshold, and enters the Special World, a critical component on their journey is to find their allies, helpers and mentors. As we enjoyed week 4 in our “Special World” at CHOICE, we...
All systems go…almost!

All systems go…almost!

Session 1, Week 3 All systems go! A statement made popular in the 1960s when referring to missiles and other vehicles launching into space. It has now come to mean a state of readiness for immediate action. CHOICE is full of systems. Systems which allow the heroes to...
Crossing the threshold

Crossing the threshold

Session 1, Week 2 In the Hero’s Journey, after a hero accepts a Call to Adventure, they Cross the Threshold and enter the Special World. Whether this is a hero’s first year at CHOICE, or they have been here many years, we are all beginning a new...
What Makes a Culture Flourish?

What Makes a Culture Flourish?

Session 1, Week 1 What Makes a Culture Flourish? An important question for every community to discuss, whether that community be a country, a city, a family or a school. Each year CHOICE chooses an overarching question. The overarching question is a question that we...
What we are taking with us

What we are taking with us

Session 7 Week 4 Someone recently commented that the most important lessons from a “school experience” are what we take with us, after we have forgotten everything 🙂 With that in mind we asked heroes a few questions on Thursday. Their responses are our...