Jun 11, 2022
Last week we had a high school age girl come to visit the Fire Studio as a debate judge. She was here for the hero led quest and stayed through Studio Maintenance. She had been talking about how things generally felt slightly chaotic, but she could actually tell...
Jun 6, 2022
5/31-6/3 Not a bit! Although the school year is winding down, the heroes are full of energy and are diving into new works, new quests, and new challenges. In the Spark Studio… Outside time was buzzing with new ideas this week. One hero explored the right ratio...
May 30, 2022
5/23-5/26 It’s hard to believe we only have one session left! We are ending the year focusing on the heroes’ passions. In the Spark Studio… the heroes were challenged to explore their own curiosity this session. Each hero wrote down questions they...
May 16, 2022
The Bee Gees sang about it, and our heroes taught us how to do it! In the Spark Studio… The heroes taught us parents how to be safe when crossing the street, what plants need to survive, and all about our police officers and fire fighters. While their movie may...
May 9, 2022
We often talk about being risk averse and risk tolerant in regards to our financial situation. In truth, risk influences far more than our financial decisions. Our ability to assess risk and then take or avoid risk is part of our daily decision making process. Giving...
May 2, 2022
I could blog about creativity every day at CHOICE. The heroes’ imaginations have the opportunity to run wild and the time and space to carry out their ingenuity! In the Spark Studio… Because we don’t give them traditional play structures, they create...