A “One Room Schoolhouse”

A “One Room Schoolhouse”

Session 2, Week 5 My grandpa was a great storyteller. He told stories about the Great Depression and the orange he would get for Christmas. He told stories about living on his own at the age of 15 and the 3 jobs he worked to survive. He told stories about WWII and the...
Turning learning upside down

Turning learning upside down

Session 2, Week 4 Acton Academies claim to be starting a revolution. A revolution that is “Turning learning upside down.” What does it mean to turn learning upside down? It means creating a learner driven environment. An environment where the learners, not...
Learning to Be

Learning to Be

Session 2, Week 3 Acton Academies all over the world claim that Learning to Learn, Learning to Do, and Learning to Be are more important than Learning to Know. At CHOICE we propose that Learning to Be is the most important of all. Learning to Be is learning who we...


Session 2, Week 2 What came first, the chicken or the egg? An age-old question which can be argued on either side. Similarly, our school’s question of the year can be argued on either side: What has a greater influence on your Hero’s Journey: Your mindset...
“On the road again…”

“On the road again…”

Session 2, Week 1 “Just can’t wait to get on the road again!” That was what it felt like as we all arrived for school Monday morning. Heroes were ready and anxious to see one another and get going on their new session! Along with week highlights,...